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Lovely Disabled Home always in need of the aid from volunteers with different skills and abilities. Volunteers are most encouraged to provide feedback out of the four selections below based on personal interest and expertise. Please put a tick in the square (s) in the square according to the areas of voluntary contributions that you would like to engage in :

Publication Team

Create publication plan of LDH’s activities and events; collect and edit the articles related to each activity; edit and update the latest information on website; establish and promote the image of Love and Caring for Lovely Disabled Home in society.

Caring Team

Forge closer relationship between volunteer and disabled; organize activities of exchange, visit or caring of disabled.

Recycle Team

Plan and expand the location for recycle events; promote and enhance the recycling activities; and organize activities and seminar related to recycle to increase environmental awareness among public

Activity Volunteer Team

Take part and help on our activity, offer help and give caring to special need.
Our activities or events include: promote and selling LDH socks, LDH Camp, LDH Run, LDH Christmas party etc

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